13 Cutting-Edge Technologies That May Soon Be Making A Big Impact

Written by Arshad Noor | Mar 5, 2021 5:55:52 PM

#10 Passwordless Authentication 

"The computer password was created in 1960 and is still at the forefront of authentication. It is also the leading cause of data breaches. Soon the password as we know it will cease to exist, and we’ll see widespread adoption of passwordless authentication. This is a big step toward catching authentication up with the technology that we know today."

- Arshad Noor, StrongKey

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL LIST:https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/02/04/13-cutting-edge-technologies-that-may-soon-be-making-a-big-impact/?sh=3460ae748ae8