UPDATE (11/11/2019): A high-level summary of key themes identified by the Blockchain Working Group members has been published. You can access the report here.
“Blockchain.” We can say with almost full certainty you’ve come across the term at least once in the last couple months. If you follow or work in investment banking or supply chain management, chances are you’ve heard of blockchain being referred to as the go-to technology to solve some of these industries’ biggest headaches. Maybe you came across it when you were reading about the whole buzz around cryptocurrencies. More recently, blockchain has been making headlines in the cybersecurity news, being commercialized as the "the next big thing" in the data security solutions market.
No matter how you’ve heard about it, the truth is blockchain is relatively new, and widely misunderstood—after all, it is pretty complex technology. That’s why California’s Government Operations Agency (GovOps) took the unique initiative of creating the California Blockchain Working Group.
To understand why individuals, businesses, and governments alike should care about it, we first need to be on the same page about some things.
“Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, public ledger…” You’ve probably heard definitions like this before, leaving you with more questions than answers. To simplify it, we’ll try to illustrate it with an example.
Three roommates decide to start keeping better track of every transaction they make with each other, anything from buying each other drinks, to paying for the month’s rent.
They decide to do so with a bound, hardcover notebook with numbered pages (the “block”) where every transaction made will be recorded including information like date, time, dollar amount, and people involved in the transaction. Each page can record many transactions, and the entire notebook can store several thousand transactions . Once the notebook is full and cannot store more information, a new one is used and the old one is “superglued” to the back of it (hence the “chain”).
The notebook, however, has special rules:
With this special notebook (read: blockchain), all three roommates can keep better control of their finances, by using a technology that enables full transparency, and multiparty trust.
Created by Assembly Bill 2658 in 2018, California’s Blockchain Working Group is a body composed of California lawmakers, educators, advocates for public good, IT leaders, and cybersecurity experts including StrongKey’s CTO and Forbes Security Council Member, Arshad Noor. They were tasked with researching and documenting blockchain’s potential uses, risks and benefits to state government and to business.
The working group has people from different parts of the IT industry, as well as a well-balanced mix of skeptics, neutral, and people who are involved with the blockchain technology. They will be issuing a report with their results and conclusions to the Legislature by July 1, 2020.
Glad you asked. In case we didn’t make it obvious enough, blockchain’s capabilities have potential in a wide array of industries and areas of operations. In case you’re curious, here are a few areas of your daily lives that are most likely to be affected by the implementation of blockchain:
Many problems can arise when talking about such groundbreaking technology and its applications. Companies are using the technology for internal purposes, but is it realistically implementable at bigger scales? How about for public institutions? Are blockchain’s benefits worth the millions (or billions?) of dollars of investment required for full implementation? And last, but most certainly not least, is it safe?
This, among other important issues, is what California’s Blockchain Working Group is here to determine with the help of our CTO, Arshad Noor.